Helsinki Mindfulness Hietalahden Tilajakamo, Bulevardi 31, 00180 Helsinki

Helsinki Mindfulness

8 Arvostelut
Helsinki Mindfulness Hietalahden Tilajakamo, Bulevardi 31, 00180 Helsinki


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Hietalahden Tilajakamo, Bulevardi 31, 00180 Helsinki



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Suositellut arvostelut

Eero Palevaara
Helsinki Mindfulness
Juuson kanssa on tullut mindstormattua useampaan otteeseen ja ajatusten lento on ollut huikean siistiä. Elämän, bisneksen ja urheilunkin ongelmiin olen saanut todella paljon apua erilaisten harjoitteiden kanssa. Juuso on loistava kuuntelija ja hän osaa ohjata omaa ajatuksenjuoksuani siihen suuntaan, että osaankin itse ratkaista ongelmani.Eli ongelma kuin ongelma niin kannattaa jutella Juuson kanssa. Tulet huomaamaan, että opit ajattelemaan asioita aivan uusilta kanteilta.Suosittelen lämpimästi! Ja mindfulness ei todellakaan vaadi, että elämässä pitäisi olla ongelmia. Ennaltaehkäisy ja elämän pohdiskelu ohjaa sinut oikeaan suuntaan elämässä!
Katri Ristiniemi
Helsinki Mindfulness
I had my very first mindfulness experience in Helsinki Mindfulness, and I'm really glad that I tried it.All my considers about mindfulness went off, when I firstly met the coach, Juuso, personally. He told me about the effects that mindfulness can give, about the well-being effects, the peacefulness and learning to be in the moment.I really felt the effects in the class, all my worries went off, nothing stressed me, I didn't think about work or to do-lists. I was really feeling myself, my peaceful mind and body, it felt good and calm. The atmosphere in the class was welcoming and friendly. It was really easy to follow the class, because the practices were simple, and effective. Juuso's voice is calm and clear and I like his coaching style, he really want's to give the best for his class.I warmly recommend to try out Helsinki Mindfulness ^_^
joonas koskinen
Helsinki Mindfulness
Juuso has helped me greatly with understanding the vast potential of mindfulness practice. He has great experience and insight into the possibilities that await those who are ready tap into their innate resources of well-being. Juuso is such a gentle, friendly and easily approachable persona that it's easy to ask him anything related to practice. Highly recommended!
Helen Julien de los Santos
Helsinki Mindfulness
Juuso's course is beneficial both for the mind and body. To understand deeply how a simple practice, which can oftentimes be neglected, when practiced or applied to everyday life can be so beneficial and helpful to alleviate anxiety or stress. I highly recommend.

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Hietalahden Tilajakamo, Bulevardi 31, 00180 Helsinki
Helsinki Mindfulness