Otaniemen kappeli Jämeräntaival 8, 02150 Espoo

Otaniemen kappeli

45 Arvostelut
Otaniemen kappeli Jämeräntaival 8, 02150 Espoo




Soita meille
Jämeräntaival 8, 02150 Espoo



  • Esteetön sisäänkäynti
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Suositellut arvostelut

Aleksi M
Otaniemen kappeli
The Chapel has quite nice chamber acoustics (not as much echo as traditional larger churches have). There is an acoustic piano you can play if the chapel is open and there are no events happening at the same time. The background seen from the chapel windows is amazing: trees and nature.
Valentin Rainio
Otaniemen kappeli
Erinomaista ohjelmaa Ristin killan illoissa: syvällisiä keskusteluja raamatun äärellä, mielenkiintoisia alustuksia eri puhujilta ja muuta mielekästä ja mukavaa toimintaa. Samalla pääsi tutustumaan muihin kiltalaisiin ja luomaan siten yliopistotuttavuuksia muiden kristittyjen kanssa. Suosittelen!
Noora Tams
Otaniemen kappeli
Kaunis ja erilainen.
Otaniemen kappeli
알토 대학의 기숙사 깊숙히 자리한 루터교 교회. 담백하고 적절한 스케일의 교회. 내부에서 보는 환상적인 장면을 보지 못한 아쉬움. 주말에 열지 않음.
Viena-Leena Castrén
Otaniemen kappeli
Hyvä kokemus.
Otaniemen kappeli
Kaija Siren & Heikki Siren
Lassi Mäkinen
Otaniemen kappeli
Moderni ja tunnelmallinen kappeli. Ehdoton helmi on luonnonkaunis alttarimaalaus"
Marco Biscontin
Otaniemen kappeli
Otaniemi Chapel (Finnish: Otaniemen kappeli) is a Lutheran chapel located in the Student Village of Otaniemi campus of Aalto University in Espoo, Finland. The chapel was designed by the architect couple Heikki and Kaija Siren for a 1954 architectural competition, completed in 1956 and inaugurated in 1957.The chapel is located on a small hill in the woods, surrounded by pine and birch trees. The main materials of the chapel are red brick and wood, tying the chapel together with other brick buildings in the campus area, including the main university buildings designed by Alvar Aalto. The building is entered from a walled courtyard that also has a bell tower. The chapel itself, past a clubroom, has two side walls made of bricks. The parallel walls “channel a progression from a secular to a spiritual view of nature”: the altar wall made of glass, opening to the surrounding nature with a white cross standing among the trees.
Otaniemen kappeli
Oikein mukava kappeli jonnekka mahtuu kohtuu hyvin väkeä
Jouko Heinonen
Otaniemen kappeli
Rauhallisella paikalla, hiukan vaikea löytää. Kesällä avautuu kappelin ikkunoista kaunis ympäristö.

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Jämeräntaival 8, 02150 Espoo
Otaniemen kappeli