Turun Autotyö Verstaskatu 1, 20360 Turku

Turun Autotyö

34 Arvostelut
  • keskiviikko7.30–16
  • torstai7.30–16
  • perjantai7.30–16
  • lauantaiSuljettu
  • sunnuntaiSuljettu
  • maanantai7.30–16
  • tiistai7.30–16
Turun Autotyö Verstaskatu 1, 20360 Turku


Etusivu - Turun Autotyö Oy |


Soita meille
Verstaskatu 1, 20360 Turku


  • keskiviikko7.30–16
  • torstai7.30–16
  • perjantai7.30–16
  • lauantaiSuljettu
  • sunnuntaiSuljettu
  • maanantai7.30–16
  • tiistai7.30–16


  • Luottokortit
  • NFC-mobiilimaksaminen
  • Maksukortit

Suositellut arvostelut

Olli Pietilä (OP)
Turun Autotyö
Erinomainen palvelu
Tuomas Aaltonen
Turun Autotyö
Hyvän palvelun ja ammattitaidon autohuolto.
Attilio Goffredo
Turun Autotyö
Very bad experience. To do a simple job they kept me 8 hours in a garage without completing the agreed work and having to come back after a few days. I pay 600 euros.and they leave the camper outside, I go to leave and I don't stop going back but they had already closed. I stop at another mechanic, he fixes my brakes just to go home and checks what I should have changed the next day, with a turn of the screw he repairs the piece and saves me another day and money. I'm lucky that the second mechanic understood my displeasure and nobody asks me for moneyI come back to you the next day to have a job done on the brakes and I show you that the job you had to do was already repaired for free by an honest mechanic and you, out of spite, keep me another 3 hours in the workshop to bleed the brakes. I had to raise my voice to be heard which is far from my education. Did you only do this because I'm a foreigner ???or is it a service you do to all your poor customers. Bad experience with you, luckily I found other honest workshops here in Turku.--
Jori Sirkola
Turun Autotyö
Janne G
Turun Autotyö
Perinteinen palveleva Iveco huolto.
Kari Koskinen
Turun Autotyö
Monimerkki huolto ja korjaamo.
Aki Lankinen
Turun Autotyö
Ammattimaista ja reilua palvelua!Huom! Töiden vastaanotto nosto-oven takana. En aluksi huomannut tätä...

Lisää arvostelu


Verstaskatu 1, 20360 Turku
Turun Autotyö