More Tea Länsituuli 10,kauppakeskus Länsituuli, 2 kerros, 02100 Espoo

More Tea

38 Arvostelut
  • keskiviikko12–19
  • torstai12–19
  • perjantai12–19
  • lauantai12–18.30
  • sunnuntai12–17.30
  • maanantai12–19
  • tiistai12–19
More Tea Länsituuli 10,kauppakeskus Länsituuli, 2 kerros, 02100 Espoo


More Tea Oy |


Soita meille
Länsituuli 10,kauppakeskus Länsituuli, 2 kerros, 02100 Espoo


  • keskiviikko12–19
  • torstai12–19
  • perjantai12–19
  • lauantai12–18.30
  • sunnuntai12–17.30
  • maanantai12–19
  • tiistai12–19


  • Luottokortit
  • Kotiinkuljetus
  • Sopii lapsille
  • Ruokailu paikan päällä
  • Kahvia
  • Jälkiruoka
  • Rento
  • Noutoruoka
  • Viihtyisä

Suositellut arvostelut

More Tea
Very dissapointing and will never go back.How can a food vendor selling foods which not exists? I was waiting to make order where actually the item is not available. (In this case is their JianBing) some days they have them in the menu some days not. If you dont have that menu for the day why dont you take away the menu board from the shop for the day so people dont wait for long time for item which didn't available????The quality of tea (specially the tapioka bubble) got worse and worse each time i visited them. The customer service is also very unfriendly. Not only on this AINOA branch but other branches too.
Artem Klimenko
More Tea
Unfriendly customer service. Asked tea with tapioca sugar and ice, got none there. When I saw no tapioca and asked it from the seller, she said that I should have asked for it, when I said that I did she said that I should have paid for it then. Not even apologising or trying to fix the problem.
L Kivistö
More Tea
No service attitude at all. When the other customer was ordering food, we moved the menu card on cashier counter 20 - 30cm to left, in front of us so we can check menu. The cashier women moved the menu back without saying anything, cold stone face. I tried to explain that we didn't want to crowd all in front of the menu. We would move the menu card back after we read. She replied unhappily that, customers should not move the menu card because there is something behind it. I took a look, there was nothing. I said, there is nothing. The woman didn't reply anything. I left without ordering food. Would never visit there anymore. Seriously, why do you put the menu card if you don't want people to see it? Why do you come to work here if you are so unhappy?
More Tea
Heikki Salo
More Tea
Tapioca pallot olivat erittäin vanhoja ja vetisiä en suosittelisi menemään on paljon muita parempia bubble tee paikkoja
Anne Wang
More Tea
Jianbing babbol Tea really good.Pannukakut ja kuplatee ovat niin herkullisia.
More Tea
店員很親切 特別是遇到中國人就好像看到自己家人一樣,心繫祖國問了我們這些遊客很多國內的事。等奶茶煎餅的時間跟服務員聊天聊的很開心!這奶茶源自中國台灣很正宗的家鄉味讓身在芬蘭的我喝第一口就想起台灣夜市,喝第二口愛上了,第三口。。。老闆再來一杯。。。自己細品。
Cecilia Renvall
More Tea
Came here somewhat early in the morning for a little sweet treat. I’ve visited several more teas in other locations but this one has been my favorite. This one had a small seating area , and the boba itself was great. The cashier / barista was very nice aswell. Delicious!!

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Länsituuli 10,kauppakeskus Länsituuli, 2 kerros, 02100 Espoo
More Tea