Wes Garlock Photography Töykkälänkatu 19 a 3, 20540 Turku

Wes Garlock Photography

14 Arvostelut
  • keskiviikko9–17
  • torstai9–17
  • perjantai9–17
  • lauantai9–17
  • sunnuntai9–17
  • maanantai9–17
  • tiistai9–17
Wes Garlock Photography Töykkälänkatu 19 a 3, 20540 Turku




Soita meille
Töykkälänkatu 19 a 3, 20540 Turku


  • keskiviikko9–17
  • torstai9–17
  • perjantai9–17
  • lauantai9–17
  • sunnuntai9–17
  • maanantai9–17
  • tiistai9–17


  • Palvelua paikan päällä
  • Ajanvaraus on pakollinen

Suositellut arvostelut

Kalmer Eek
Wes Garlock Photography
Very good photographer! It is an honor to know personally this great traveler.
Tiina Toomel-Wiker
Wes Garlock Photography
Don't hesitate to contact Wes when you want your photo taken. You'll have great time, in addition to amazing pictures.
Niclas Eriksson
Wes Garlock Photography
I've had the pleasure to work with Wes during two occasions, I can hardly find any downsides on his work. He has an great entrepreneurial thrive and dedicates himself to the work full heartedly. Can't do anything but recommend him sincerely.Jag har haft nöjet att arbeta med Wes två gånger, jag har svårt att hitta något negativt med våra arbetstillfällen alls. Otroligt entreprenörskap samt dedikation till arbetet. Jag rekommenderar honom starkt.
Daria Iurko
Wes Garlock Photography
I love his portraits! He will not rest till it’s perfect. Both creative and corporate photos are really good. The quality of his services is outstanding.
Benedikte Sterner
Wes Garlock Photography
If quality and professionalism matter, Wes should be your choice. I love his persuite of perfect ambience in the photographs.
Jani Tuomilehto
Wes Garlock Photography
I've had the pleasure to work with Wes on two very different settings and both times results have been excellent. First time was action driven photoshoot in a skatepark and second time in business settings. Wes is great person, great photographer and really easy and fun to work with.

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Töykkälänkatu 19 a 3, 20540 Turku
Wes Garlock Photography