Jru Urakointi Oy Tanotorventie 51, 00420 Helsinki

Jru Urakointi Oy

1 Arvostelut
Jru Urakointi Oy Tanotorventie 51, 00420 Helsinki


JRU Urakointi Oy | HOME. We are ready for all works related to construction, both renovating an old one and constructing a new one.   Our special skills are demolition and repairing of water damage related apartments with a focus on the customer and the resident. In most cases, the payer for the water damage is the housing company or the insurance company and the resident is the one who suffers the most.   All visits to the apartment and other aspects related to the work are agreed with the resident and we won’t leave them in trouble nor alone in case of an accident.   We work in the capital city region but if necessary then also further.   We are a client of the database of Luotettava Kumppani and Suomen Tilaajavastuu Oy.   We serve you in Finnish and English.   Don’t hesitate to contact us regardless if the work is small or big. Our visit to the workplace and estimated price offer won’t cost you anything but can be great help.


Soita meille
Tanotorventie 51, 00420 Helsinki



  • Palvelua paikan päällä
  • Verkkotapaamiset
  • Ajanvaraus on pakollinen

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Tanotorventie 51, 00420 Helsinki
Jru Urakointi Oy