Laptop free cafe Agricolankatu 13, 00530 Helsinki

Laptop free cafe

360 Arvostelut
  • keskiviikko8.45–18
  • torstai8.45–18
  • perjantai8.45–18
  • lauantai8.45–18
  • sunnuntai8.45–18
  • maanantaiSuljettu
  • tiistai9.45–18
Laptop free cafe Agricolankatu 13, 00530 Helsinki


Bear Park Cafe "13" Helsinki 🇫🇮🇮🇶🇪🇺 (@bearparkcafe) • Instagram photos and videos |


Soita meille
Agricolankatu 13, 00530 Helsinki


  • keskiviikko8.45–18
  • torstai8.45–18
  • perjantai8.45–18
  • lauantai8.45–18
  • sunnuntai8.45–18
  • maanantaiSuljettu
  • tiistai9.45–18


  • Esteetön sisäänkäynti
  • Sukupuolineutraali wc
  • HLBTQ+-ystävällinen
  • Luottokortit
  • NFC-mobiilimaksaminen
  • Esteetön pysäköintialue
  • Wc
  • Maksukortit
  • Esteettömiä istumapaikkoja
  • Kotiinkuljetus
  • Sopii lapsille
  • Ruokailu paikan päällä
  • Kahvia
  • Aamiainen
  • Jälkiruoka
  • Istumapaikat
  • Rento
  • Ryhmät
  • Syöttötuolit
  • Viihtyisä
  • Pieniä annoksia
  • Istumapaikkoja ulkona
  • Sallittu koirille
  • Hyvä teevalikoima

Suositellut arvostelut

Zody Burke
Laptop free cafe
Went there for coffee with my partner on Sunday morning. The place was less than half full, we sat at a small table with an empty table on either side of us. The barista came over and made us change seats because apparently due to the fact that we were sitting in the middle table, it would have prevented other people from sitting on either side of us…? Made no sense. It would have been totally innocuous if he had asked nicely but he just came over and gruffly moved us without asking. Anyway, he sat us in the corner underneath a fluorescent red light which was quite unpleasant to have our morning coffee at. Pretty awful start to the day. Also the espresso was quite meh. There’s plenty of other great coffee shops in the area. Won’t be coming back.
Iman Baramaki
Laptop free cafe
A great cappuccino. Welcoming and authentic environment. The staff was very friendly as well.
Anthony Ng
Laptop free cafe
I went today for a pumpkin spiced latte and a salmon sandwich. Staff was very hospitable and friendly. Coming from Canada, it was nice to finally find a place that served a 'North American' sized coffee. The cafe is a LBGTQ+ friendly establishment and the decor was very nice with some queer merchandise that you can purchase as well. I highly recommend this cafe.
Charalampos Theodor
Laptop free cafe
Pretty cool cafe in a nice location. The atmosphere inside is amazing and quite unique for Helsinki.Had a very fresh donut and coffee. All the food on display seemed freshly made. Prices were excellent for the neighborhood!
Dietmar Huhn
Laptop free cafe
Every time we visit Helsinki, the trip to Kallio's most interesting Café is a must do for us. The coffee is great and so are the Cafés and gateaux.
Mikael Mikael
Laptop free cafe
Todella kiva kulmakahvila, ystävällinen palvelu ja hyvät tuotteet. Kiva terassi. Helmi kahviloiden joukossa, kuin pieni kahvila suurkaupungissa. Löytyi myös vegaanisia vaihtoehtoja. Oli helppo pistäytyä, mukavan turvallinen ilmapiiri ja tunnelma. Suosittelen.
Clara Großeholz
Laptop free cafe
I couldn't believe the reviews, so I went to check the place out myself. And it was even worse than I imagined. I've never experienced anything like it. In an empty cafe we were told that we could sit at only one specific table in a very rude tone. After we didn't make a decision quickly we were asked to leave.I truly don't expect a high level of service or friendliness from restaurant staff, and I always treat people with respect. However, I don't get why someone who chooses to open a cafe makes an effort to make people feel not welcome..
Laptop free cafe
Kaverini kanssa noudatimme kahvilan ”ei pöytäkonetta” käytäntöä, mutta meidät silti häädettiin pois terassilta ainoastaan opiskelun takia, vaikka emme aiheuttaneet melua. Tämän lisäksi kahvilan tarjoamat tuotteet olivat ylihinnoiteltuja ja palvelu oli huonoa. En suosittele kenellekään.Vastaan sinun kommenttiisi muokaten tätä viestiä, sillä en pysty jostain syystä vastaamaan muuten.On tärkeää, että asiakaspalautetta otetaan vastaan avoimin mielin ja ilman vähättelyä. Emme keksineet tarinaa, ja toivoisimme, että kokemustamme kunnioitettaisiin. Asiakaspalautetta voi käsitellä rakentavasti ja ilman toisten kokemusten vähättelyä.

Lisää arvostelu


Agricolankatu 13, 00530 Helsinki
Laptop free cafe