Forenom Serviced Apartments Turku Kakolanmäki Michailowinkatu 1, 20100 Turku

Forenom Serviced Apartments Turku Kakolanmäki

27 Arvostelut
Forenom Serviced Apartments Turku Kakolanmäki Michailowinkatu 1, 20100 Turku


English – Forenom |




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Googlen käyttäjä
Forenom Serviced Apartments Turku Kakolanmäki
We have stayed here for several times. Love the idea of having our dog with us, she is always welcomed. The rooms are nice, tidy and well enough equipped. The building and sourraundigs are really interesting.
юрий шевцов
Forenom Serviced Apartments Turku Kakolanmäki
Все хорошо,только вот маловато места в комноте!!
Veijo Virtanen
Forenom Serviced Apartments Turku Kakolanmäki
Toimiva majoitus meille hyvällä sijainnilla. Hyvä varustelu ja siisti tilava huone. Yöllä hiljainen.
Vesa Naukkarinen
Forenom Serviced Apartments Turku Kakolanmäki
Mahtava rauha ja sijainti! Siivous voisi olla huolellisempaa. Huoneet kivoja.
Noora Kaisla
Forenom Serviced Apartments Turku Kakolanmäki
Ihana, persoonallinen ja siisti majoitus, jokirannan kupeessa.
john hegarty
Forenom Serviced Apartments Turku Kakolanmäki
Nice stay in an interesting building. Quietness was a big plus. Beds too narrow and small which other guests have also pointed out. The parking area outside was very badly damaged with huge potholes in the gravel from the rain which made coming and going in the car bothersome. A quick visit from maintenance would have sorted it quickly. No grocery store conveniently near by that we saw but that's not a major problem. Door handle in the bathroom had no screws and was prone to falling off occasionally, again a small job for maintenance. One window was unable to be opened and the window that you could open was too close to the tv for convenience. Overall it was good and a place I would recommend. Also would recommend a visit to the near by museum to learn about the prison and surrounding areas. Thank you.
Jarkko Miikki
Forenom Serviced Apartments Turku Kakolanmäki
Aiempaan kokemukseen rinnastaen.Kiitettävä

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Michailowinkatu 1, 20100 Turku
Forenom Serviced Apartments Turku Kakolanmäki