Stromma - Helsinki Sightseeing by boat Eteläesplanadi, 00170 Helsinki

Stromma - Helsinki Sightseeing by boat

57 Arvostelut
Stromma - Helsinki Sightseeing by boat Eteläesplanadi, 00170 Helsinki


Sightseeing & excursions by bus & boat Helsinki, Finland | Stromma Finland offers a great variety of tourist activities in Helsinki. Enjoy sightseeing tours by bus & boat, charter cruises and guided city tours.


Soita meille
Eteläesplanadi, 00170 Helsinki



  • Palvelua paikan päällä
  • Verkkotapaamiset
  • Ajanvaraus on pakollinen

Suositellut arvostelut

Leonie C
Stromma - Helsinki Sightseeing by boat
A great experience if you have the Helsinki city card and the boat trip is included. Otherwise I would say that the trip is not worth it. Great service.Definitely bring a coat as even on a hot day it gets very chilly in the wind.
Sari Sundström
Stromma - Helsinki Sightseeing by boat
Hieno laivareitti. Laivassa baari ja sisä- ja ulkotilat sekä wc. Lipun hinta hieman korkea.
Florin B
Stromma - Helsinki Sightseeing by boat
Experiența mea în turul sightseeing cu barca în Helsinki a fost cu adevărat memorabilă. Începând cu frumoasa priveliște panoramică a orașului și a apelor limpezi ale Golfului Finlandei, am explorat unele dintre cele mai atrăgătoare insule din zonă. Suomenlinna, cu fortificațiile sale istorice impresionante, a fost o adevărată călătorie în timp, oferind o perspectivă asupra istoriei bogate a Finlandei. Lonna și Vasikkasaari au răsfățat ochii cu peisaje idilice, plaje nisipoase și vegetație luxuriantă.Cu vremea bună ca aliat, am putut savura răcoarea brizei marine în timp ce admiram frumusețea naturală a regiunii. În plus, disponibilitatea berii a adăugat un plus de răsfăț, permițându-ne să ne relaxăm pe deplin și să ne bucurăm de moment.Echipajul a fost prietenos și informativ, oferind detalii interesante despre fiecare loc vizitat. Recomand cu căldură această experiență oricărui călător amator de soare și vreme bună, dornic să exploreze frumusețea țărmurilor helsinkiene și să se bucure de o combinație unică de istorie, peisaje naturale și relaxare.
Stromma - Helsinki Sightseeing by boat
Boat tour as part of helsinki card. (61 euro for 48hr)Probably would not pay 25 euro for this 1.5 hr trip.if you want to listen to the audio playback which is based off speakers, uostairs can be difficult at times, youll have to go underneath.Upstairs can be a bit windy. Appreciate them giving blankets for extra warmth.Views are nice, boat does a tourr out to Villinki Island through the Hevossalmi strait then round through Degero canal.Its nice to see the archipelago.Standard boat tour though, no actual guide either.
Stromma - Helsinki Sightseeing by boat
Selkeä äänentoisto opastuksessa. Palvelu toimi hyvin ja reitti oli hyvä. Eipä sitä risteilyltä muuta kaipaa. Vahva suositus.
Stromma - Helsinki Sightseeing by boat
This is covered by Helsinki Card. It’s not worth buying the tickets specially. The tour is not very interesting and what you can see is pretty limited. The shuttle ship between market square and suomenlinna is even better than this.
Pascal Reischl
Stromma - Helsinki Sightseeing by boat
Tolle Tour um Helsinki von einer anderen Seite zu sehen. Man sieht alles was man zu Fuß nicht wirklich erreichen kann und bekommt Hintergrund Informationen. Der “Audioguide” ist mehrsprachig über einen Lautsprecher an Board. Ich empfehle sich sehr nahe zu dem Lautsprecher zusetzten (z.b. oben erste Reihe links - oder innen, Hinten rechts) - trotzdem ist es schwierig alles zu verstehen. Aber Achtung, man sieht keine in der Stadt gelegenen Sehenswürdigkeiten von Bot aus. Somit, wem es interessiert, kommt man um eine weiter Bis Tour (oder Guide) nicht drumherum.
Nivi Thadasina
Stromma - Helsinki Sightseeing by boat
This was an 1.5 hrs tour of the east side of the Helsinki archipelago islands. It was beautiful and provided glimpse of how people live on these islands. Lot of decent picture moments. We did this on our first day in Helsinki. I would recommend purchasing the My Helsinki Card. We bought 2 days card for 58 euros. This boat cruise is included. The boat was clean. Had a cafe, comfortable sitting places in interior but we spent our time on the open deck. Bring a wind breaker or jacket. It can get cool.
Asitha Wijekoon
Stromma - Helsinki Sightseeing by boat
Got with the Helsinki card 63€ for 48h. Good narration of the significant parts of the Helsinki. You can buy some snacks and drinks from the boat. Journey takes around 1.5h

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Eteläesplanadi, 00170 Helsinki
Stromma - Helsinki Sightseeing by boat