Forenom Premium Apartments Vantaa Airport Pyhtäänkorventie 21, 01530 Vantaa

Forenom Premium Apartments Vantaa Airport

11 Arvostelut
Forenom Premium Apartments Vantaa Airport Pyhtäänkorventie 21, 01530 Vantaa


English – Forenom |


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Pyhtäänkorventie 21, 01530 Vantaa



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Suositellut arvostelut

Guillaume Goux
Forenom Premium Apartments Vantaa Airport
Mykola Kozak
Forenom Premium Apartments Vantaa Airport
Cerasela M. Olarimo
Forenom Premium Apartments Vantaa Airport
Smalle and dirty.
Ciro Ragozzino
Forenom Premium Apartments Vantaa Airport
Overall a nice pleasant stay, but we were only staying there for a 17hr stopover en route to America. Getting there from the airport was easy but expensive. However trying to get back to the airport today was extremely difficult, with no knowledge of the area, language etc. After an hour of Google research and calling some local companies who couldn't speak English very well, we eventually got Yango (similar to Uber) onto our phone and got a taxi to pick us up. It all made my family and I feel very vulnerable and stranded. Luckily we had the time to do all this, but it really should have been made easier for tourists to get back to the airport as that's what you surely cater to on many occasions. The information supplied was terrible, well non existent actually! Also the Forenom customer service telephone number for Finland 'could not connect', not good. It ruined what should have been an exciting stopover for us and start to our holiday.

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Pyhtäänkorventie 21, 01530 Vantaa
Forenom Premium Apartments Vantaa Airport