Parturi stadium Savilagatan 1 A7, 00250 Helsingfors

Parturi stadium

42 Arvostelut
  • keskiviikko11–20
  • torstai11–20
  • perjantai11–20
  • lauantai12–18
  • sunnuntaiSuljettu
  • maanantai11–20
  • tiistai11–20
Parturi stadium Savilagatan 1 A7, 00250 Helsingfors


Varaa aika – Parturi Stadium |


Soita meille
Savilagatan 1 A7, 00250 Helsingfors


  • keskiviikko11–20
  • torstai11–20
  • perjantai11–20
  • lauantai12–18
  • sunnuntaiSuljettu
  • maanantai11–20
  • tiistai11–20


  • Luottokortit
  • NFC-mobiilimaksaminen
  • Wc
  • Maksukortit

Suositellut arvostelut

Eetu Haikkola
Parturi stadium
Aina hyvää ja mukavaa palvelua, käynyt jo useamman vuoden. Suosittelen lämpimästi
Ledwan Khoshnaw
Parturi stadium
Äärettömän hyvä palvelu ja paras koko Helsingissä
Kymp Hkipuh1817
Parturi stadium
Maailmanluokan hiustenleikkuuta!
Joonas Vauhkonen
Parturi stadium
Erittäin mukava, hyvä ja ammattimainen parturi!
Aapo Suokko
Parturi stadium
Varasin ajan nettisivulta ja tulin paikalle oikeaan paikkaan ja aikaan. Ovet olivat kiinni ja valot pois päältä. Soitin mestan puhelinnumeroon hetken odottamisen jälkeen, mutta vastausta ei kuulunut. Takaisin soitettiin hetken päästä, mutta puhelusta ei kuulunut kunnolla mitään, kauheeta sönkötystä vain. Minulle tarjottiin, että parturi tulisi 45 min päästä paikalle, mutta kieltäydyin ja menin mieluummin toiseen parturiin. Todella huonoa palvelua!
Timo Tuomivirta
Parturi stadium
Nopea ja erinomainen palvelu.
Davide Finland
Parturi stadium
Finally a barber where I can go together with my 13 years old son.I have been a regular customer for the last 2 years: Rac is a very skilled and courteous professional barber.He will do a classic" longer cut to me and a "trend look" shorter cut to my son. High Quality barber products and shampoos from Italy.Another very useful feature is the web reservation. Plenty of parking space in the area."
James Wright
Parturi stadium
I booked on short notice for a haircut and beard trim. I went in with a lot of hair and came out with a complete disaster. It was so bad I had to goto another Barber the same day to try and salvage what was left. For the next 2-3 months it’ll be baseball caps as much as possible.Maybe this was a case of the “Monday blues” but this was easily the worst haircut I have ever had. The extreme use of thinning scissors left parts of my hair almost missing and there was absolutely no shape or consistency. I was just watching as large amounts of my hair was falling onto my shoulders and the floor; almost frozen in shock at what was happening. I did not let him go close to my beard as that is hard to hide.I have a feeling the person who cut my hair was not trained to do so. I would have preferred that they just refused to serve me as I did have a lot of hair to start with. Such a shame and 24€ I won’t see again. Simply cannot recommend however your experience may vary.

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Savilagatan 1 A7, 00250 Helsingfors
Parturi stadium