Inarin porofarmi Kittiläntie 1445, 99870 Inari

Inarin porofarmi

100 Arvostelut
Inarin porofarmi Kittiläntie 1445, 99870 Inari




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Kittiläntie 1445, 99870 Inari



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Suositellut arvostelut

Anne Pellikka
Inarin porofarmi
Wonderful and authentic experience! Sustainable way of life with reindeer herding in today's arctic: funny, exiting, yet very informative. You will learn the history, hardness and humour of having reindeers and being a Sámi in today's often controversy world. Totally recommend this place! Thank you!
Laila Kaasik
Inarin porofarmi
Didn't look like much, they asked 30 euro per person (x 6 of us) for a tour of 1,5 hours, but couldn't imagine what you would do all that time in a small farm. They couldn't let us in right away either and we would have to wait. We didn't have that much time as we had to head back South. Then when we stopped to discuss what we should do and three reindeer showed themselves through a fence and some of us snapped few quick photos they tried to charge us 10 eur per person to take photos of 3 reindeer through fence. Overpriced and nothing really to see.
Slim Abderrazak
Inarin porofarmi
Very nice farm,and warm welcome by the sami owners.We learned a lot about the culture, and the reindeers.Do not miss the handicraft souvenir shop
David Udin
Inarin porofarmi
Our tour group had an engaging description of reindeer farming and a fun time seeing them up close. We also heard a talk about Sami life and crafts. Naturally, there was an opportunity to buy some, but everything was low-key.
Petri Juutilainen
Inarin porofarmi
Mahtava paikka vierailla. Myynnissä myös loistavia puukkoja. Poroajelut ammattimaisesti hoidettu lopuksi nautitaan kodassa kuksasta kahvit. Taitojaan voi koetella myös heittämällä suopunkia poronsarviin tai pelata porontaljapallolla. The best reindeer farm in Lapland a must to visit. Run by top professionals who really make you feel wellcome. You hear about the life of the Sami people while drinking a nice cup of hot coffee or tea in a Saami hut.
Minna Pietilä
Inarin porofarmi
Piipahdimme tilalle hetken mielijohteesta. Isäntä otti meidät ystävällisesti vastaan, ja saimme osallistua porojen ruokintaan. Nuo sympaattiset, ystävällisen välinpitämättömät eläimet vievät sydämen. Isäntä kertoi mielenkiintoisia asioita poroista ja niiden hoidosta sekä jutteli muutenkin monenlaista (myös sujuvasti englanniksi, sillä mieheni ei puhu muita kieliä). Lopuksi kävimme isäntäpariskunnan käsityöpajassa, jossa oli myynnissä upeita poronluusta ja koivusta ym. tehtyjä esineitä. Emme kokeneet painetta ostaa mutta ostimme silti matkamuistomme täältä. Kyllä kannatti piipahtaa!
David Leffel
Inarin porofarmi
Really enjoyed our visit.
Kirill Ch
Inarin porofarmi
Found the place on the internet first, then checked out the tourist info centre in Ivalo and got it recommend too, so decided to go.Got there a bit late about 12:30 or so because of the problem with the car. When I got to the car park, where the tourist bus was already parked, I was.approached by the member of the staff who informed me that I have to leave. He then told me that the farm is for group visits only. So I decided to leave empty-handed (after 1 hour drive from Ivalo), but I had to sort out the car first. Meanwhile, when I was busy with the car, my wife decided to take few pictures. Immediately the same person came to us again and told me to leave immediately because she taking pictures and this service is not offered..." So I had to drive a malfunctioning car with a 1.5 year old baby on board in a very dangerous winter conditions to public road to get off the farm property.Bottom line: very negative experience. Do not go even if they offer you cash.Problems:- poor information;- rude and ignorant personnel"
Robert Schneider
Inarin porofarmi
Our Family was there, and it was amazing. We were able to feed the reindeers, to drive the reindeer sledge, with them and get known, a bit, to the culture sami culture. I would love it to come again as soon as possible. Thank you to this friendly and open People!

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Kittiläntie 1445, 99870 Inari
Inarin porofarmi